With January seeming to be flying by in a blur, the MARKETview team wanted to pause for a moment and focus in on a few early admit trends we’re seeing for public institutions. We also recently shared Early Decision and Early Action trends for private institutions.
We hope you find these comparative insights, based on data through January 5, 2024, helpful in gauging the current progress of your entering class!
Where We Are at Three Key Stages
For institutions within the MARKETview public cohort, applications are up 7.2% versus 2023 and admits are showing a robust 12.2% increase. Deposits are up slightly at 0.6%, but it’s important to point out that only about 25% of final deposits were in at this point last year, leaving plenty of time for growth in the weeks to come.

Behaviors at Different Income Levels
While still quite early in the game, admit numbers are trending up at every income band. What’s more, the increases are steady across all known bands, ranging from a low of 6.3% to a high of 14.4%, which suggests a general ramping up of competition for all student groups in EC24. On that note, the relatively balanced breakout of public admit percentages is in direct contrast to the more uneven distributions seen at private institutions.

How Different Regions Are Tracking in Admits
Looking at admit trends geographically, a couple of items stand out: 1) All regions are up in admits with the growth in New England (40.1%) and the Middle States (35.2%) being truly striking; 2) In the two regions where deposit pools are the largest, we see significant growth in the South (15.5%), but only modest increase in the Southwest (1.6%). As a reminder, it’s still too early to draw any firm conclusions, but the admit story so far seems to be boding well nationwide.

A Closer Look at Ethnicity
Similar to previous sections, the early admit results are also trending upward from a demographic standpoint. Discounting the “All other” group (which only represents a very small audience), the greatest admit growth is occurring among Asians (21.0%) with the lowest among Hispanics (7.5%).

We appreciate your taking the time to review this early data. Please be on the lookout for future updates from MARKETview on this topic and more.
If you would like to discuss any of this material more in depth, or if you have any questions about how to build the class you most desire, feel free to contact us for a friendly data-informed conversation.
24 Trends for Entering Class ’24: Key Insights You Need to Know
Kick off the new year with an in-depth look at how the Entering Class of 2024 is shaping up. We’ll share 24 key insights from the MARKETview data set of more than 130 institutions nationwide on the performance of this year’s admissions cycle thus far.
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