MARKETview Platform Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to MARKETview, located on the Web site (the “Platform”). The Platform is owned and operated by MARKETview Education Partners LLC. MARKETview is a data and analytics platform that is used by college and university administrators to understand the rapidly evolving marketplace for higher education and their institution’s position within it. This Privacy Policy identifies the information that MARKETview Education Partners collects from MARKETview participants and users and describes how we will use the information we have collected.


Participating institutions (“Participants”) provide MARKETview Education Partners with Institutional Data at the unit record level for normalization, enhancement, and ingestion into the MARKETview platform where it is aggregated for analysis.

Participants also provide MARKETview Education Partners with information about those individuals authorized to use MARKETview on the Participant’s behalf. User Data includes an individual’s name and contact information and is required before a user can access MARKETview. After a user registers, User Data may be edited or updated by the user. We use Google Analytics identify trends and patterns related to how users engage and track performance of MARKETview. We use FullStory for research, monitoring, and quality assurance. We use the anonymous information we collect to administer the Platform, improve our services, determine how the Platform is being used, identify popular areas of the Platform, and analyze trends and usage patterns. We may use the IP address of our authorized users to help diagnose problems with our servers. This anonymous information cannot be used to personally identify users.

MARKETview Education Partners complies with applicable laws, regulations, industry standards, and contracts and agreements pertaining to the safeguarding of Institutional and User Data (when discussed together, referred to as “MARKETview Data”).


The security and privacy of MARKETview Data is our highest priority. MARKETview Education Partners is committed to protecting both the Institutional Data and the User Data that we maintain on behalf of MARKETview participants. We utilize and continually review appropriate technical, administrative, and physical procedures to ensure MARKETview Data is protected from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. In particular:

Data Storage and Security: Secure data centers house all MARKETview Data. These data centers are constantly monitored and tested for maximum security. Access to the data

center infrastructure is strictly controlled and we adhere to industry standard administrative, technical, and physical safeguards.

Disclosures: The uses and disclosures of MARKETview Data are in compliance with state and federal laws designed to protect such information. Only authorized individuals with a demonstrated business need, including MARKETview Education Partners employees and subcontractors, have access to unit record level data and their authorization is constantly reviewed and verified.

Accountability: All MARKETview Education Partners personnel and subcontractors are accountable for the Security and Privacy of the Institutional and User Data we maintain on our Participants’ behalf. Every employee and subcontractor who has access to MARKETview Data has the responsibility to keep the information safe and to only use it for authorized purposes as described below. This policy applies to all computing systems, networks, business processes, and the verbal transmission of information.


Only for Authorized Purposes: We only use information we collect for the purposes for which we were authorized by our Participants.

Institutional Data: We use Institutional Data solely to provide services to Participants.

User Data: We use User Data solely for user registration and authentication.


Only for the purpose of the work: We do not use MARKETview Data for advertising or any use outside of the purpose of the collection of such information. We vigilantly review our policies and practices to ensure compliance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), applicable state law and regulations, and Participant polices. We will not disclose any of the MARKETview Data to any third parties except in the following limited circumstances:

Disclosures that are necessary to carry out the scope of work: We may use subcontractors to carry out functions within the scope of work when it is in compliance with federal and state laws and with applicable Participant agreements. In such circumstances, the subcontractor is acting as a MARKETview Education Partners employee and is required to comply with the privacy and security requirements and safeguards that apply to MARKETview Education Partners and all of its employees. This includes all applicable federal laws, state laws and regulations, contractual agreements, and applicable Participant policies.

Legally compelled disclosures: We will disclose the data we collect if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that disclosure is necessary (a) to obey the law or comply

with legal process served on us or our affiliates; (b) to protect and defend our rights or property or the rights or property of other users of our website; or (c) to act in an emergency to protect the personal safety of users of our website or the public.

Company acquisition: In the event that our company is acquired, we may share the data with the acquirer to continue to provide services to you. The acquirer will be bound by this Privacy Policy.

We do not sell or rent your data: MARKETview Education Partners does not sell or rent any MARKETview Data.


Users can manage the data they enter: Our authorized users are able to manage and modify the information that they provide to us. They may correct or change any of their User Data by logging onto the Platform and updating or correcting their User Data.


MARKETview Education Partners may modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The Policy is posted at We encourage you to review this page periodically. If we change the policy in a material manner, such as using personal information in a different way than prior practice, we will provide at least 30 days notice to our users so that they will have sufficient time to evaluate the change in practice.


The information contained herein reflects the privacy policy and practices that MARKETview Education Partners has adopted for the Platform. In legal terms, it shall not be construed as a contractual promise, and MARKETview Education Partners reserves the right to amend it at any time in accordance with Section F above. Any such amendment will become effective immediately upon posting on the Platform. Neither MARKETview Education Partners nor any of its affiliates, employees, or agents shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained in the Platform and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information.


If you have any questions or concerns about MARKETview Education Partners information collection and use practices, please e-mail